Monster in the City (Outdoor)
120 minutes
Hello dear friends and researchers!
If I may briefly introduce myself: My name is Professor Doctor Parsifal Jürgen Proof, scientist.
Some time ago, I discovered that all around us, in our urban spaces, commonly known as cities, there are monsters big and small: fat and thin, funny and whimsical, smacking and slurping. They live, no, vegetate hidden from us and yet not only encounter their human contemporaries in a decidedly peaceful manner, but also selflessly assist us as little invisible helpers and symbionts in many challenges of our beautiful biosphere. The ethnographic research work on and with this special species is my area of expertise and I am delighted to welcome you today as my research assistants, so to speak 'scientific assistants in the field' (hihi). Now to your important task: I have developed a machine myself, I affectionately call it the "Monster Master Control Unit", with which we can track down and visualize the monsters, i.e. make them visible. A groundbreaking milestone in the history of science! I have already, very modestly, roughly sketched out my Nobel Prize speech. Well, strictly speaking, the monster machine is a dynamic perpetual motion machine, which means that the machine draws and regenerates its drive energy directly from the scanning process of the little critters. And today we are putting this fabulous marvel into operation for the first time! As soon as you scan the first monster, the scanner is energetically recuperated, i.e. charged, and you can classify the cute creatures. Isn't that fascinating?
Your Professor Doctor Parsifal Jürgen Proof