Vincent Klink in his herb garden
What a view! Vincent Klink at his restaurant Wielandshöhe
Taking notes: Vincent Klink in his restaurant Wielandshöhe

Michelin-starred Chef Vincent Klink

"Nature in itself is so good that the finest natural products can rarely be improved on by the chef,", says Vincent Klink. Nevertheless, he still manages to make first-class ingredients even more delicious – he has been awarded a Michelin star ever since 1978. And he's still to be found behind the stove every day (with only a few exceptions – for example twice a month, when he records the TV show in which he appears).

The best ingredients, long experience and cooking skills, paired with a passion for the Stuttgart Region: at the Wielandshöhe you can enjoy world-class Swabian cuisine. But even if there is a fantastic view over the city, you shouldn't ask for a window table: Vincent Klink prefers to cook for guests who come for the tasty food...


Michelin-starred restaurants

Hotel room, © Zauberlehrling

Show distance


Designhotel-Res­taur­ant Za­uber­lehrling

Restaurants, fine

Gourmetrestaurant Schwabenstube Asperg, © Adler Asperg

Gour­metres­taur­ant Schwaben­stube As­perg

Restaurants, fine

Show distance

Schwäbisch Hall

Land­haus Wolf Res­taur­ant Eis­en­bahn

Restaurants, Swabian