Stuttgart for groups

Are you visiting Stuttgart with a group?

We would be happy to advise you personally! Just send us an email to

You are looking for a hotel for your group? For groups of 10 persons or more we will be happy to advise you. Just send us your inquiry to

Sightseeing tours for groups

View of the Europaviertel district, © Romeo Felsenreich

Group Tour

"STUT­TGART Steps" Tour (STÄF­FELE Tour North) – Up and down thou­sands of steps

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Kulinarischer Abendrundgang_Bier_009_c Thomas Niedermüller, © © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Thomas Niedermüller

Group Tour

Hops and Malt in Stut­tgart

Group Tour

from € 160.00

Galatea Fountain on Eugensplatz, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH Christoph Düpper

Group Tour

Stut­tgart Steps Tour (Stäf­fele City Cen­ter)

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Stuttgart City Library, © Stadtbibliothek Stuttgart / yi architects / Foto:

Group Tour

Stut­tgart City Lib­rary - an Ar­chitek­TOUR

Group Tour

from € 160.00

Markthalle spreads, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Julian Hihn

Group Tour

tasty mar­ket hall – mar­ket hall tasty

Group Tour

from € 160.00

Pretzels (Laugenbrezeln), © Stuttgart Marketing GmbH

Group Tour

"tasty swa­bi­an - swa­bi­an, tasty!"

Group Tour

from € 160.00

© Stuttgart Marketing GmbH

Group Tour

Trip round Stut­tgart’s har­bor

Group Tour

from € 200.00

2100x900_Oberer Schlossgarten_9789_c SMG_wpsteinheisser, © ©  Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser

Group Tour

Stut­tgart short and sweet

Group Tour

from € 110.00

View Burgholzhof, © pjt56

Group Tour

Stut­tgart City - Coach Tour

Group Tour

from € 135.00

© Thomas Niedermüller

Group Tour

Stut­tgart City Walk for groups – a stroll around the town cen­ter

Group Tour

from € 135.00

Uhlandshöhe_Sonnenuntergang_c_Christine Garcia Urbina trickytine

Group Tour

"STUT­TGART Steps" Tour (STÄF­FELE Tour East) – Up and down thou­sands of steps

Group Tour

from € 200.00

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH

Group Tour

Guided Wine Hike from Unter- to Ober­türkheim for groups

Group Tour

from € 220.00

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH

Group Tour

Up and down steps to Pin­guin – short “Stäf­fele” tour

Group Tour

from € 150.00

Weissenhof Estate, architect: Hans Scharoun, © TMBW, Gregor Lengler

Group Tour

Un­seco World Her­it­age in the Weis­sen­hof­sied­lung

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Gallery in the Market Hall Stuttgart, © Jean-Claude Winkler

Group Tour

Mar­ket Hall-Gour­met para­dise

Group Tour

from € 160.00

© Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, trickytine

Group Tour

STUT­TGART – CITY OF AUTO­MO­BILES: Dis­cov­ery Tour in a Clas­sic Bus

Group Tour

from € 495.00

© Brigida Gonzalez

Group Tour

Ar­chi­tec­ture bus tour – Stut­tgart’s mod­ern ar­chi­tec­ture

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Eine der "Stuttgarter Frauen": Königin Katharina, © Landesmuseum Württemberg

Group Tour

Stut­tgart’s in­spir­ing wo­men – wo­men and wives’ stor­ies

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Palace Square, © Thomas Niedermüller

Group Tour

Stut­tgart (Hi)Story

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Weissenhofsiedlung: Eine der Perlen der Architektur, © Brigida Gonzales

Group Tour

Pearls of ar­chi­tec­ture: – Tour of Dis­cov­ery to the Weis­sen­hof Es­tate

Group Tour

from € 200.00

Restaurants for groups

Kursaal Gastronomy, © Kursaal Gastronomie_Engelhard Photography

Show distance


Kur­saal Gast­ro­nomie & Event­loca­tion

Restaurants, Swabian

WEB_AugustinerNesenbachStuttgart15, © Andreas Engelhard - Engelhard Photography

Show distance


Nesen­bach Brauhaus


Spring menu at the Marktstüble in the Stuttgart market hall, © Looß Kulinarisches OHG

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Res­taur­ant-Café Markt­stüble at the Stut­tgart Mark­thalle

Restaurants, Swabian


Your StuttCard Bonus

1 dessert (Ofenschlupfer) free


Marktstüble Stuttgart
Dorotheenstr. 4
70173 Stuttgart

Restaurant Stuttgarter Schlachthof, © Wilhelmer Gastronomiebetriebe GmbH

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Stut­tgarter Sch­lach­thof

Restaurants, Swabian


Your StuttCard Bonus

1 free drink with every main course, combined with a visit to the Pig Museum.


Stuttgarter Schlachthof
Schlachthofstr. 2
70188 Stuttgart

Restaurant Stuttgarter Stäffele, © Buschwerk Mediendesign / Wilhelmer Gastronomie

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Stut­tgarter Stäf­fele

Restaurants, Swabian


Your StuttCard Bonus

1 dessert free


Stuttgarter Stäffele
Buschlestr. 2A
70178 Stuttgart

Kickers Club Restaurant, © Kickers

Show distance


Rörich Gast­ro­nomie Kick­ers-Clubres­taur­ant

Restaurants, Swabian

Amadeus, © Amadeus, Stuttgart

Show distance


Amadeus I Res­taur­ant and Bar

Restaurants, Swabian

Schönbuch, © © Schönbuchbrauerei, Sebastian Berger

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Brauhaus Schön­buch Stut­tgart (Brew­ery)

Restaurants, Swabian


Your StuttCard Bonus

1 drink


Brauhaus Schönbuch Stuttgart
Bolzstr. 10
70173 Stuttgart

Gallery, © TMBW, Christoph Düpper

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Res­taur­ant Em­pore

Restaurants, Italian


Your StuttCard Bonus

1 dessert “Panna Cotta with wild berry sauce”


Restaurant Empore in der Markthalle
Dorotheenstraße 4
70173 Stuttgart

Old law firm, © Aspectus Photographie Stuttgart

Show distance


Alte Kan­zlei

Restaurants, Swabian

Kässpätzle_Fotolia_34761387_M_c kab-vision-Fotolia_zs, © kab-vision - Fotolia

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Och­s'n Willi

Restaurants, Swabian


Your StuttCard Bonus

A hot drink or schnapps after the meal


Ochs’n Willi
Kleiner Schlossplatz 4
70173 Stuttgart

Zeppelin room, © Steigenberger Graf Zeppelin

Show distance


Zep­pelin Stüble

Restaurants, Swabian

Paulaner_2023_012_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © SMG Stuttgart Marketing GmbH - Sarah Schmid

Show distance


Zum Paulaner

Restaurants, Swabian