Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle, Mercedesstraße 69, 70372 Stuttgart

Please check the individual dates in the calendar overview.

from € 18.00

Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" as an immersive experience in Stuttgart for the first time!

This exhibition is a 360-degree multimedia sensation. For the first time ever, Leonardo da Vinci and his famous masterpiece "The Last Supper", including its history and myths, will be presented and illuminated in an immersive way: "Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper - An Immersive Experience" from April 30th exclusively in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle in Stuttgart.

"The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most famous works of art in history. The original of the famous mural can only ever be seen in the dining room of the Dominican monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan for a small window of a few minutes. Too little to even begin to look at the famous masterpiece in detail or to study it down to the smallest detail. In the new audiovisual, immersive 360-degree exhibition "Leonardo da Vinci - The Last Supper", visitors are immersed in the scenario of Jesus' Last Supper, just as Leonardo da Vinci imagined and immortalized it.


state-of-the-art technology, every detail of the painting is zoomed in on, no matter how small, and the meticulously staged reactions of the 12 disciples to Jesus' announcement "One of you will betray me!" are shown


but the exhibition "The Last Supper" goes even deeper into the subject matter. Who was Leonardo da Vinci? What other works were created by him? And to what extent did his passion for the natural sciences, anatomy, visionary inventions and mathematics influence his paintings and other works of art such as the "Mona Lisa", "Salvator Mundi" and the "Lady with an Ermine"? An immersive journey through his famous artwork and his incredible work and life allows us to get to know this outstanding artist and scientist.

Price information

from € 18.00

Location & Contact

Mercedesstraße 69
70372 Stuttgart

Organizer: C2Concerts GMBH

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