Gartenterrasse, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Restaurant, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Hasensaal, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Doppelzimmer Business, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Parkplatz mit Tierfgarage, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Außenansicht, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Business Doppelzimmer, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Comfort Doppelzimmer, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Bankett-Hasensaal, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen
Tagungsraum Herrenberg, © Hotel Gasthof Hasen

Hotel Gasthof Hasen - Ringhotel Herrenberg

Our 4-star-hotel „Hasen“ is part of Herrenberg’s history. It was mentioned in a document as early as 1620 and even then was famous beyond the boundaries of town.
In 1984 the hotel was fully renovated and a spacious new building was added. It now boasts 67 rooms with 117 beds and the restaurant can seat 85 guests.
Our restaurant with its monthly changing menu focuses on fish and vegetarian dishes, which we serve on 364 days of the year. (Our restaurant is closed on Christmas Eve.)

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