Three days in Stuttgart

If you spend three days or more in Stuttgart, you can explore not just the city centre and the "must sees". Use the Stuttgart in Two Days programme for guidance and add an extra excursion (or several)...

Breathtaking panoramas amidst the vineyards: the burial chapel of the House of Württemberg is well worth a visit. King Wilhelm I had the mausoleum built as a sign of his eternal love for his consort, Queen Katharina, who died young. And a short walk through the vineyards takes you to the idyllic village of Uhlbach at the foot of the hill known as the Wirtemberg, where you can sample home-made Swabian specialities.

Or how about an outing to somewhere in the region? A ride on a steam train of the Schwäbische Waldbahn is an adventure for the whole family. The former royal seat of Ludwigsburg has Baroque palaces and the "Baroque in Bloom" gardens, and Esslingen Castle exudes medieval charm. The StuttCard entitles you to attractive reductions in the region, too!

Metzingen's the place to go for designer goods at bargain prices. Outlets and flagship stores with labels such as Hugo Boss and Strenesse, Burberry and Diesel - a paradise for fashion-conscious bargain-hunters! And the Shopping Shuttle provides a convenient link from Stuttgart Airport directly to this shopping mecca.

You can find total relaxation in one of the area's many thermal baths and spas. The Stuttgart Region's mineral springs were appreciated even as far back as Roman times... In winter especially, the tingling, warm water is the perfect place to unwind. A highlight not just for children: the "Wilhelma" zoological and botanical gardens, with some 8000 animals and over 6000 different species of plants! And they can be reached on foot from the centre of town through Stuttgart's biggest tract of parkland - the "Green U". Don't forget to take your camera!

A chocolate exhibition, a dinosaur museum, leisure activities and ruined castles - the Stuttgart Region has lots more outstanding recreational facilities offering fun and excitement for old and young alike. Discover our attractive trip tips!


One card, all attractions.

The perfect accompaniment for your city trip to Stuttgart and the region. With the StuttCard you can enjoy many advantages for sightseeing, culture and culinary delights.

ab 24 €

buy now

Three days in Stuttgart

Ludwigsburg Residential Palace, © Tourismus & Events Ludwigsburg

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

Show distance


Lud­wigs­burg Palace


Your StuttCard Bonus

free standard castle tour


Schlossverwaltung Ludwigsburg
Schlossstraße 30
71634 Ludwigsburg

kessler-sekt_prost_calwer-strasse_13_c-smg-wpsteinheisser_zs, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser

Show distance


Cal­wer Straße and Cal­wer Pas­sage

Shopping tips

Porsche Museum, © Porsche AG, Sabine Braun

StuttCard Bous

Show distance


Porsche Mu­seum Stut­tgart


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Porsche Museum
70435 Stuttgart

Staatsgalerie_2023_015_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © Sarah Schmid

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


The Staats­galer­ie Stut­tgart (State Gal­lery)


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free (collection and special exhibitions)


Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 30-32
70173 Stuttgart

THE LEUZE, © Stuttgarter Bäder

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

Show distance




Your StuttCard Bonus

2h ticket only for the swimming pool


Am Leuzebad 2-6
70190 Stuttgart

The Wurttemberg State Theatres, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


The Wurttem­berg State Theatres

SWR Television Tower Stuttgart, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

Show distance


SWR Tele­vi­sion Tower


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


SWR Fernsehturm Stuttgart
Jahnstraße 120
70597 Stuttgart

Weissenhofmuseum, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser

StuttCard Bous

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Weis­sen­hof Es­tate with Weis­sen­hof Mu­seum


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Weissenhofmuseum im Haus Le Corbusier
Rathenaustraße 1-3
70191 Stuttgart

Stuttgart Art Museum, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Kun­st­mu­seum Stut­tgart (Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art)


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Kleiner Schlossplatz 1
70173 Stuttgart

D836185-min (1), © Mercedes-Benz Heritage GmbH

StuttCard Bous

RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Mer­cedes-Benz Mu­seum Stut­tgart


Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Mercedes-Benz Museum
Mercedesstraße 100
70372 Stuttgart

Terra Australis, Wilhelma, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

RegioRad Station

Show distance


Wil­helma – Zoo & Botan­ic­al Gar­dens


Your StuttCard Bonus

From 2024: Admission free


Zoologisch-botanischer Garten Wilhelma
Wilhelma 13
70376 Stuttgart

Neues_Schloss_2023_036_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © SMG Stuttgart Marketing GmbH - Sarah Schmid

Show distance


Neues Schloss (New Castle)

Stuttgart Citytour

Hop-on / Hop-off Open-Top Bus Tour

You can get on and off the bus at any of the stops, just as you please. Each hop on/hop off-ticket is valid for 24 hours, so you have plenty of time to explore the city.

ab 20 €

Book now