Stuttgart in one day

Fortunately several of Stuttgart's main attractions are located in the heart of the city, only a stone's throw away from each other. The New and Old Palaces, the Königsbau Arcade and the Museum of Art border Stuttgart's main meeting place: Palace Square - a "must" for visitors to Stuttgart and an ideal starting point for a tour of the city centre.

Get a general impression by going to the top of the Museum of Art - the view is fantastic! And if you feel like it, you can recharge your batteries with an espresso in its "Cube" restaurant, or enjoy an exquisite meal there in the evening (reservations recommended).

Stuttgart's Markthalle (Market Hall) takes you on a condensed trip around the world: exotic spices, fresh baking and aromatic specialities from far-off lands in a historical Art Nouveau building. And on the upper floor you'll find exclusive home accessories and a delightful range of gifts!

For art and architecture lovers the State Gallery is also a special highlight, with world-class art exhibitions in the building designed by the famous architect Sir James Stirling.

For car enthusiasts the automobile museums are not to be missed: at the Porsche Museum and the Mercedes-Benz Museum there's so much to see that you need to allow several hours for your visit. And if you only have one day at your disposal, it's better to choose one of them - and save the other museum for the next time you're in Stuttgart.

For a short stay with a maximum of sightseeing, our Stuttgart Citytour(Hop-on / Hop-off) is ideal: Discover fascinating TopStops - and get on and off the bus wherever you please. And with the StuttCard you can enjoy free admission in all museums and lots of other attractive reductions!


One card, all attractions.

The perfect accompaniment for your city trip to Stuttgart and the region. With the StuttCard you can enjoy many advantages for sightseeing, culture and culinary delights.

ab 24 €

buy now

One day in Stuttgart

© SMG Thomas Niedermüller

Show distance


Bo­hnen­vier­tel (Bean Quarter)

Shopping tips

SWR Television Tower Stuttgart, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH


RegioRad Station

Show distance


SWR Tele­vi­sion Tower

Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


SWR Fernsehturm Stuttgart
Jahnstraße 120
70597 Stuttgart

The Wurttemberg State Theatres, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


The Wurttem­berg State Theatres

Breuninger Stuttgart, © E. Breuninger GmbH & Co.

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Bre­uninger Stut­tgart


Neues_Schloss_2023_036_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © SMG Stuttgart Marketing GmbH - Sarah Schmid

Show distance


Neues Schloss (New Castle)

D836185-min (1), © Mercedes-Benz Heritage GmbH


RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Mer­cedes-Benz Mu­seum Stut­tgart

Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Mercedes-Benz Museum
Mercedesstraße 100
70372 Stuttgart

Schlossplatz Stuttgart, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, Thomas Niedermüller

RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Schlossplatz Stut­tgart (Palace Square)

Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, © Stuttgart Marketing GmbH, Sarah Schmid


RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Kun­st­mu­seum Stut­tgart (Mu­seum of Mod­ern Art)

Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free


Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
Kleiner Schlossplatz 1
70173 Stuttgart

Staatsgalerie_2023_015_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © Sarah Schmid


RegioRad Station

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


The Staats­galer­ie Stut­tgart (State Gal­lery)

Your StuttCard Bonus

Admission free (collection and special exhibitions)


Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 30-32
70173 Stuttgart

Markthalle_2023_016_c_SMG_Sarah_Schmid, © by Canto

TopStop CityTour

TopStop CityTour

Show distance


Mar­ket Hall Stut­tgart


kessler-sekt_prost_calwer-strasse_13_c-smg-wpsteinheisser_zs, © Stuttgart-Marketing GmbH, wpsteinheisser

Show distance


Cal­wer Straße and Cal­wer Pas­sage

Shopping tips

Stuttgart Citytour

Hop-on / Hop-off Open-Top Bus Tour

You can get on and off the bus at any of the stops, just as you please. Each hop on/hop off-ticket is valid for 24 hours, so you have plenty of time to explore the city.

ab 20 €

Book now